ArtistsNgā Ringatoi

Kingsley Baird
1 Artwork
b. 1957

John Baker
2 Artworks
b. 1916

Derek Ball
2 Artworks
b. 1944

George Baloghy
1 Artwork
b. 1950

Esther Belliss
1 Artwork
b. 1926

Ben Benfield
1 Artwork

Basil Benseman
1 Artwork
b. 1919

Margery Blackman
1 Artwork
b. 1930

Philippa Blair
1 Artwork
b. 1945

Neale Blaymires
2 Artworks
b. 1962

Judith Bluck
1 Artwork
b. 1936

Ferdinand Victor Blundstone
1 Artwork
b. 1882

Chris Booth
5 Artworks
b. 1948

Austin Brasell
1 Artwork
b. 1914

Gavin Britt
1 Artwork
b. 1940

Nigel Brown
2 Artworks
b. 1949

Cath Brown
1 Artwork
b. 1933

Mary-Louise Browne
2 Artworks
b. 1957

Joan Bullock Morrell
1 Artwork
b. 1928

Grant Bunyan
1 Artwork
b. 1965

Burren & Keen
1 Artwork

Andrew Dalbeth
1 Artwork

Carole Davis
1 Artwork

Steve Davis
1 Artwork

Bing Dawe
1 Artwork
b. 1952

Neil Dawson
6 Artworks
b. 1948

Ian Day
1 Artwork
b. 1960

Andrew de Boer
1 Artwork
b. 1960

Richard Deacon
1 Artwork
b. 1949

Paul Dibble
6 Artworks
b. 1943

Malcolm Doidge
1 Artwork

John Drawbridge
4 Artworks
b. 1930

Don Driver
1 Artwork
b. 1930

Andrew Drummond
2 Artworks
b. 1951

Joan Fear
1 Artwork
b. 1932

Fatu Feu'u
2 Artworks
b. 1946

Robert Nettleton Field
3 Artworks
b. 1899

Chris Finlayson
1 Artwork
b. 1955

Charlotte Fisher
2 Artworks
b. 1959

Eric Flegg
1 Artwork
b. 1928

John Bevan Ford
4 Artworks
b. 1930

Frank Foster
1 Artwork

Alexander Roderick Fraser
1 Artwork
b. 1877

Dick Frizzell
1 Artwork
b. 1943

Alberto Garcia-Alvarez
1 Artwork
b. 1927

Megan Godfrey
1 Artwork
b. 1923

Brett Graham
3 Artworks
b. 1967

Fred Graham
8 Artworks
b. 1928

Lyonel Grant
1 Artwork
b. 1957

Neil Grant
1 Artwork
b. 1938

John Gray
1 Artwork

Noel Gregg
1 Artwork
b. 1941

James Greig
1 Artwork
b. 1936

Liz Greville
1 Artwork

Stuart Griffiths
1 Artwork
b. 1958

Murray Grimsdale
1 Artwork
b. 1943

Fiona Gunn
1 Artwork
b. 1962

Craig Hall
1 Artwork

Pat Hanly
15 Artworks
b. 1932

G. V. Hansen
1 Artwork

Lynda Harris
1 Artwork

Jeffrey Harris
1 Artwork
b. 1949

Malcolm Harrison
1 Artwork
b. 1941

Paki Harrison
1 Artwork
b. 1928

Paul Hartigan
2 Artworks
b. 1953

Panenui Haurangaranga
1 Artwork

Gary Hebley
1 Artwork

Christine Hellyar
2 Artworks

Louise Henderson
2 Artworks
b. 1902

Te Warihi Hetaraka
1 Artwork

Janet Holtrigter
1 Artwork

Ralph Hōtere
4 Artworks
b. 1931

John Hovell
2 Artworks
b. 1937

Friedensreich Hundertwasser
1 Artwork
b. 1928

Paul Hutchins
1 Artwork

Stephen Hutton
1 Artwork

John Hutton
1 Artwork
b. 1906

Molly Macalister
4 Artworks
b. 1920

Manawhenua of the Otago region
1 Artwork

Nicola Mannering
1 Artwork
b. 1954

Riki Manuel
1 Artwork
b. 1960

Paratene Matchitt
9 Artworks
b. 1933

Colin McCahon
4 Artworks
b. 1919

Bill McCardle
1 Artwork
b. 1929

John McCulloch
1 Artwork

Bryan McCurrach
1 Artwork

Jock McEwen
1 Artwork
b. 1915

Shona McFarlane
3 Artworks
b. 1929

Mary McFarlane
1 Artwork
b. 1960

Richard McIlroy
1 Artwork

Peter McIntyre
1 Artwork
b. 1910

Pam McKelvey
1 Artwork
b. 1954

David McLeod
1 Artwork
b. 1954

Richard McWhannell
1 Artwork
b. 1951

John Middleditch
2 Artworks
b. 1906

Mary Middleditch
1 Artwork
b. 1910

Peter Millman
1 Artwork

Leonard Victor Mitchell
2 Artworks
b. 1925

Henry Moore
1 Artwork
b. 1898

Jan Morrison
1 Artwork

Russell Moses
1 Artwork
b. 1948

Vivienne Mountford
1 Artwork
b. 1918

Milan Mrkusich
9 Artworks
b. 1925

Graeme Mudge
5 Artworks
b. 1932

Selwyn Muru
2 Artworks
b. 1936

Jim Palmer
1 Artwork
b. 1932

Anton Parsons
1 Artwork

Sheree Pattison
1 Artwork

Rua Paul
1 Artwork

Stephen Pene
1 Artwork

Anthony Pene
1 Artwork

Johnny Penisula
2 Artworks
b. 1941

Suzy Pennington
1 Artwork

Matt Pine
3 Artworks
b. 1941

Neville Porteous
1 Artwork
b. 1943

Kap Pothan
1 Artwork
b. 1929

Phil Price
1 Artwork
b. 1965

John Pule
1 Artwork
b. 1962

Silvia Salgado
1 Artwork

Merv Sarson
1 Artwork
b. 1943

Margaret Scott
1 Artwork
b. 1947

Jacob Scott
1 Artwork
b. 1951

Carole Shepheard
2 Artworks
b. 1945

Beverley Shore Bennett
1 Artwork
b. 1927

Francis Aubrey Shurrock
1 Artwork
b. 1887

John Skudder
1 Artwork

Jenny Skudder
1 Artwork

Lyndon Smith
1 Artwork
b. 1927

Campbell Smith
1 Artwork
b. 1925

Michael Smither
5 Artworks
b. 1939

Ted Smyth
1 Artwork
b. 1937

South Taranaki Stitchcraft Guild
1 Artwork

Fred Staub
2 Artworks
b. 1919

Elizabeth Stevens
1 Artwork
b. 1923

Stratford and Opunake Embroiderers' Guild
1 Artwork

Alan Strathern
1 Artwork
b. 1949

Terry Stringer
5 Artworks
b. 1945

Llew Summers
5 Artworks
b. 1947

Frank Szirmay
3 Artworks
b. 1916

Marté Szirmay
3 Artworks
b. 1946

Ngataiharuru Taepa
2 Artworks
b. 1976

Hōne Te Kāuru Taiapa
2 Artworks
b. 1912

E. Mervyn Taylor
12 Artworks
b. 1906

Inia Taylor
1 Artwork

Rob Taylor
1 Artwork
b. 1944

Saffronn Te Ratana
2 Artworks
b. 1975

Blaine Te Rito
1 Artwork

Cecil Thomas
3 Artworks
b. 1885

Rewi Thompson
3 Artworks
b. 1953

Elizabeth Thomson
1 Artwork
b. 1955

Jeff Thomson
2 Artworks
b. 1957

Tom Tischler
1 Artwork
b. 1950

Martin Tissink
1 Artwork
b. 1929

Sopolemalama Filipe Tohi
1 Artwork
b. 1959

William Thomas Trethewey
1 Artwork
b. 1892

Philip Trusttum
1 Artwork
b. 1940

Barbara Tuck
1 Artwork
b. 1943

Tuti Tukaokao
12 Artworks
b. 1929
No image available /
Kāore i kitea te atahanga
Tuti Tukaokao (presumed)
2 Artworks

James Turkington
5 Artworks
b. 1895

Greer Twiss
3 Artworks
b. 1937

Waikato Woodcarvers
1 Artwork

Wairarapa Embroiderers' Guild
1 Artwork

Paul Walshe
1 Artwork
b. 1918

Muru Walters
1 Artwork
b. 1935

Barbara Ward
1 Artwork
b. 1953

Denys Watkins
1 Artwork
b. 1945

Whaiora Marae
1 Artwork

A. Lois White
1 Artwork
b. 1903

Dame Robin White
1 Artwork
b. 1946

Cliff Whiting
6 Artworks
b. 1936

Kerry Wilson
3 Artworks

Patricia I. Wilson
1 Artwork

Arnold Manaaki Wilson
1 Artwork
b. 1928

Don Wilson
1 Artwork
b. 1924

Margriet Windhausen
2 Artworks
b. 1942

Erwin Winkler
1 Artwork
b. 1928
No image available /
Kāore i kitea te atahanga
Paul Winspear
1 Artwork