Aronui Trust Carvers
2 Artworks
The Aronui Trust was incorporated as a charitable trust under the name ARONUI TECHNICAL TRAINING COUNCIL, in 1994 (NZBN: 9429042577782). The Trust's main campus was at Park Avenue, Ōtahuhu, with secondary campuses at Papkura, Ramarama and Ōtara. The Trust was governed by the Aronui Ko Huiarau Trust Board. Signatory trustees at the time of incorporation included: Horiana Georgina Harris, Ngawini Toko Puru, Peter Harris Petera, George Graham Patrick and Thomas Takurua Heremaia.
The trust was renamed 'Kiwa Institute of Education' in 2015.
The purpose of the Trust was to provide tertiary education, based in Auckland, specialising in hospitality, small business, sport, carpentry, horticulture and indigenous studies.

Aronui Trust Carvers, 'Gateway' (1995), Te Pue o Tara Community Centre, Ōtara, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland
Image: Bronwyn Holloway-Smith, Public Art Heritage Aotearoa New Zealand, 2022