Jacob Scott
b. 1951
1 Artwork
Jacob Scott lives in the Hawkes Bay and is of Ngati Kahungunu, Te Arawa and Ngati Raukawa decent.
He is principal of Scott Design and Te Ara Hihiko Ltd., and former Director Te Kura Toi o Te Wananga o Aotearoa.
Jacob is recognised as a pioneer in contemporary Māori art and Māori arts education. He founded and was Head of the Eastern Institute of Technology's Art & Design School and led the development, accreditation and establishment of the Maunga Kura Toi Degree – New Zealand’s first degree level programme in whakairo, raranga, and rauangi and also the Awatoru Masters Degree programme.
He is a past member of the Whakaruruhau Whakairo (National Educational Development Committee for Māori Carving) and was awarded Te Ara Whakarei lifetime membership of Toi Iho by peers for works of quality and authenticity. He is a founding Kāhui Whetū member of Ngā Aho and instrumental in the establishment of Te Aranga Design Principles.
See also:

Jacob Scott (Ngāti Kahungunu, Te Arawa, Ngāti Raukawa), ‘Waharoa’ (1990), Auckland High Court, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, photographed in 2018.
Photographer: Sean McCabe for Ministry of Justice
- Associated Artworks