National Library of New Zealand
Also known as:
- Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa
1 Artwork
"The National Library has new strategic directions to 2030, Te huri mōhiotanga hei uara — Ngā tohutohu tautaki ki 2030 | Turning knowledge into value — Strategic Directions to 2030 (Strategy Directions to 2030) that focus on achieving greater impact through collaboration. The three themes Taonga , Knowledge , and Reading highlight the areas of focus until 2030.
Koromakinga ki 2030
Ka waihanga Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa i te uara ahurea, ōhanga hoki mā ngā tāngata katoa o Aotearoa mā ōna pūmanawa ārahi me te mahi tahi. Ka turakina ngā tauārai ki ngā mōhiotanga, he whakaū kei te whiwhi ngā tāngata o Aotearoa i ngā pūkenga waihanga mōhiotanga me te rokiroki mōhiotanga mō ngā reanga o muri mai.
Mission to 2030
The National Library will create cultural and economic value for New Zealanders through leadership and collaboration. We will remove barriers to knowledge, ensure New Zealanders have the skills to create knowledge and preserve knowledge for future generations."
The institution is part of Te Haumi – Enterprise Partnerships, within
Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs.
The Library is open to the public:
- Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
- Saturday: 9am to 1pm
- Closed on public holidays
Please check Visting details on the library website.
See also:
- Te huri mōhiotanga hei uara — Ngā tohutohu tautaki ki 2030 | Turning knowledge into value — Strategic Directions to 2030 (Strategy Directions to 2030)
- Te Tari Taiwhenua ~ Department of Internal Affairs | Te Haumi – Enterprise Partnerships.
- Associated Artworks