Chris Booth, ‘Peacemaker’ (1991), Wellington Botanic Garden ki Paekākā, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington
Image: Bronwyn Holloway-Smith, Public Art Heritage Aotearoa New Zealand, 2021

In this work, as with related works 'Gateway' (Auckland) and 'Rainbow Warrior Memorial' (Matauri Bay) Booth has assembled basalt boulders from Piakoa, near Matauri Bay, Northland. These were collected and gifted by Ngāti Kura, with permission also from the Department of Conservation and landowners.
A plaque installed with the work reads:
“Peacemaker / Sculptor Chris Booth / Born 1948 / Presented by the Wellington Sculpture Trust 1991. / Basalt boulders given by the Ngāti Kura people of Matauri Bay, Northland. Stonework carried out in Artist's Studio, Kerikeri 1988-90.”
Information panel installed with the work reads:
“There can be peace between human beings; we have this choice. This is the idea Booth wants to convey with the 'transmitter/receiver-like quality of the sculpture'."
Booth’s sculptures are usually designed for a specific site. He was aware of the Peace Garden (beside the Rose Garden) and developed a form that echoed the nearby MetService Building’s transmitters/receivers. The Wellington Sculpture Trust purchased the work to mark the centenary of Wellington Botanic Garden.
See also: