Southland Regional Arts Council

The Southland Regional Arts Council was a section within the Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council established in 1963, in recognition of the Queen's visit that year. The Council emulated funding support models already opertating in Britain(1946), Canada (1957) and Australia (1973). The principle was arms-length funding, independent of the political influences of government.

In 1975 a ministerial portfolio for the ‘arts’ was established, and the "Arts Council was given a regional as well as a national role. In 1978 a combined Council for Maori and South Pacific Arts was established within the Arts Council structure."(Durrant)

In 1991 a separate Ministry of Cultural Affairs (now Ministry for Culture and Heritage) was created marking "a coming of age for the arts as a concern of government...

[D]eveloping concern to reflect the status of the Treaty of Waitangi led, in 1993, to a new structure for the Arts Council with separate general and Māori arts boards."(Durrant) With this the Southland Regional Arts Council ended but its work is continued by Arts Murihiku.

The QEII Arts Council became the Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa under the Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa Act 1994, and subsequently as the Arts Council of New Zealand (Creative New Zealand) with the passing of the Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa Act 2014.

See also:

Johnny Penisula, ‘Te Horo O Muihiku’ (1990), Wachner Place, Waihōpai Invercargill

Image: Bronwyn Holloway-Smith, Public Art Heritage Aoteraroa New Zealand, 2021