Southland Community Arts Council

In 1985 the Southland Community Arts Council (SCAC) proposed public artworks for Invercargill. Officers of the Southland Regional Arts Council and the Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council were involved in discussions of potential funding mechanisms. The SCAC were also interested in artworks being commissioned for the institutions of the Southland Hospital Board.

SCAC supported the production of 'Te Horo O Muihiku' (1990) by Johnny Penisula.

See also:

  • 'Sculpture Suggested for City' in Southland Times, April 13, 1985.

Johnny Penisula, ‘Te Horo O Muihiku’ (1990), Wachner Place, Waihōpai Invercargill

Image: Bronwyn Holloway-Smith, Public Art Heritage Aoteraroa New Zealand, 2021