Fred Graham
- Sculpture
- Stone
- T shape: H2550 x W2360 x D700mm, LHS: H1930mm x W390 x 400mm, RHS: H1910 x W390 x D390mm

Fred Graham (Ngāti Korokī Kahukura, Tainui), ‘Untitled [Auckland High Court]’ (1991), Auckland High Court, CBD, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, photographed in 2018.
Photographer: Sean McCabe for Ministry of Justice

"This sculpture of three components in Oamaru stone represents the High Court and is based on the balance scales which are traditionally associated with justice. It is also representative of those involved within the court, including a barrister defending the accused, and the scales or Tane (symbol, Whakapapa Rakau, genealogy stick). Twelve pieces of timber represent the twelve heavens through which Tane climbed to obtain the three baskets of knowledge - knowledge that helps the judge/jurh to tip the scales in favour of one of the two parties involved after weighing up the evidence presented. The twelve river stones represent the jury." - Department of Justice pamphlet, 1991.